SouL TeLleR

Sunday, March 30, 2008

NiGhT WitHouT LiGhT

29 MaRcH 8-10pm
My HouSe Was In The DarKnesS
AlL ThE LighTs WeRe SwiTcHeD oFF

I WaS AloNe At HoMe
My Dad N Mum WenT FoR RecOrdinG...
My SiS WenT to NichoLaS 's ConCeRt...
My BrO is In The AusTrAlia CurrENtlY...
LocKeD InsiDe

This is The OnlY BulB Lighted Up In thE HouSe
I was so Bored.

UntiL I playEd wiTH the LighT.

N ShadoW

TakiNG StupiD Picture In The NighT

PlayiNG wiTh my FinGerS.

LookING aT The ShadoW On The WALL



I aM Not AfraiD oF DarKNESS


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