SouL TeLleR

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

SpeeD Test


This Record Really Isn't Very Good.
Hope I can do much More better.

41 words

Speed test

Erm, one word increased in a minute.
Trying to do much more better.

42 words

Speed test

Hmm...One word agaiN.
It's Not enough.

44 words


This is much Better ma...
44...not nice at all.
Try again.

46 words


2 words increased.
Really fun to have this game.


Erm...wana try to approach 50 words a minute.
Haiz..a bit tired.
I like my result.
You can try too.
Have fun!

1 comment:

30evenly said...

251 points, so you achieved position 431358 of 1475214 on the ranking list

You type 351 characters per minute
You have 60 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words