SouL TeLleR

Friday, July 25, 2008

JouRneY to the CeNTRE of the EaRTH___JourNey To Singapore

TueS_22 JuLy

WE went for MoVIE...
FareweLL Gang who is going to Singapore on WED.
.( no doubt he is there now, facing a whole new environment )

JouRneY to the CeNTRE of the EaRTH!!
RM 17 per entry...with a special 3D spec..
Though it's expensive, I thk it's worth to watch with my friendss....
The 3D effects weren't very prominent as I thought.
Actually when I wanna watch movie, the movie itself is not very important to me...Most importantly is who am I going with...Gang, I really hope you did enjoyed that night eventhough you got something to solve after that..
When will be our next movie? I have no idea and it remains as an unknown.
However, I do believed the would not be too far from now..
All the best in Singapore and I know you will solve all the challenges with your own way.
You'Re CooL...GamBateh in Singapore..
I just can't wait for you to cchui shui bout Singapore when the next time we meet..
ThankS for everything you have done before that..

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