SouL TeLleR

Monday, July 5, 2010


FINALLY it's the new semester that i'm really looking forward with only 2 subjects (provided i'm able to pass the previous 4). One of it is the continuation of F7 financial reporting where every1 believes it's the toughest among all the subjects. It turn out to be tough because of the borderless syllabus and endless IASs.

One of my plan for this plan is to finish my OBU project whereby I've chosen the topic related to corporate governance. I'm not like ordinary college or degree student whom deals very well with such assignment but again it's such an interesting project because it gives me a big opportunity to understand more about corporate world.

Organising a outdoor camp at the end of NOV is also in my schedule. With previous experience and new ideas, I believe our team will be more mature and steady. We goanna strive very hard to put this camp into a success. Anyone who interested in organising such outdoor campt are welcome to contact me.=)

there are more goals to be achieved in this semester but I cant include all in my journal over here. with the full support from friends and family, I get more strength in my life.

Btw, after the first class of P3, I found business analysis to be quite interesting. At the same time, I have a feeling that it wont be easy. It's just the same feeling as finance subject/

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