CNY ought to be an exciting and joyful festival where by we are back to our own kampung for reunion. Indeed, I enjoyed hanging out with my cousins during chinese new year. It seems to be a golden opportunity for us to gather and do whatever we wish, eventhough two of them are also in Sunway College and as well as student of financial course. Maybe it's the time for us to link each other again as a family, to know each other better. I really appreciate that and I hope can we can go out more often. :D :D
Based on previous years of experiences, CNY is very tiring and dreadful (apart from the angpaus) because of the non-stopped visits. Before that I don't really like it especially to some uncles' house which I don't know them well. It's kinda don't know what to do except for sitting there ,smiling at them or choose to concentrete on their cookies and drinks. I didn't really get the idea in it. But, maybe after one year and so many things happened last year, it changed my view on this. Anything can happen in just these 365 days. A person would have changed drastically and tremendously due to uncertainty. What I mean can be the recent financial crisis, a person might just bankrupt because of the high unrecoverable debts. Some might pass away without knowing why. Health problem? Accident? Or some reasons that you will never think of.
Friends and family are very important to me.
There are many friends or relatives that I might not able to visit them during this CNY and I really hope all of them are fine and healthy always.